Los Angeles Live Event Calligraphy and Engraving

Darling Daydream

2020. Gentle reminders to help you cope, and take care of yourself.



Can you believe everything that’s happened in 2020 alone?? And to think the year isn’t even over yet. Between a global pandemic, the largest political movement of our generation, wildfires, and the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it’s no surprise that we are all feeling just a bit anxious and overwhelmed.

First of all, I want you to know that however you are feeling now is 100% okay. No matter what. It is okay. You are allowed to feel however you feel. And there is no need to compare your experience to the ones you see on social media. Your worth is not contingent on your productivity during this time.

With all of that in mind, I wanted to find share a few things that have been helping me feel like I have some sort of control over my own anxieties. Most are fairly straight forward, and definitely nothing groundbreaking. But I’ve found that even though I KNOW these things help, I always need a gentle reminder to utilize them when my mental health seems to be declining. So here I am, rooting for you, and giving you these reminders.

  • Drink Water

  • Stretch / Move Your Body

  • Call a friend. ( No, seriously. I promise they won’t think you’re bugging them. It’s totally fine. Don’t just text them either, you need the human interaction! )

  • Do something creative. Even if you’re bad at it. (I always recommend Hand Lettering/Calligraphy but of course do whatever makes you happiest)

  • Write in a journal, or at the very least, check in with yourself and how you’re really feeling because I promise that you’re not just “fine“.

  • Sing and Dance to music that makes you happy. (personally this makes the biggest difference for me)

As I said, these are just a few places to start. But even the simple act of choosing to do something for yourself makes a huge difference right away. You are doing your best and I am so proud of you.